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Injury & Recovery

Injuries are a part of life that stops us from doing the things we love. Speeding up recovery in a safe way and ensuring our bodies rebuild as best they can is important.

Oxygen heals!

Diabetic ulcers
Post surgery
Muscle, tendon & bone injuries

Patients with burn wounds may experience an increased difficulty of avoiding infection. The burnt tissue will receive less nutrients due to blood vessel trauma. Oxygen therapy has been shown to increase circulation and aid in speeding up the healing process.

Post surgery

Oxygen therapy has been shown to aid in post surgery recovery. An increase in circulation, collagen production and immune system strengthening aids in faster recovery.

Diabetic ulcers

Studies show that oxygen therapy aids in increased circulation. This increase in circulation allows more nutrients to reach ulcers that are not healing fast enough. With regular use, the recovery of diabetic ulcers can speed up and heal completely.

Wounds of any kind need time and energy from the body to recover and heal. Oxygen therapy aids the body in recovering from wounds faster than at normal levels.

Muscle, tendon & bone injuries

Muscles receive a lot of blood flow and benefit greatly from oxygen therapy used to treat injuries. Tendons and bone benefit from an increase in blood flow and collagen production through oxygen therapy. This aids in removing metabolites and increasing nutrient delivery.

More advice to speed up recovery safely

Enough Rest

Appropriate movement

Your body recovers best in times of rest and deep sleep. Ensure you are getting more than 8 hours of quality sleep to give your body the best possible chance of recovery.

Recovery needs movement in certain cases. Consult a doctor or physical rehab specialist to find ways of staying mobile during your injury period. This movement not only aids the recovery process, but keeps your mind sound too.

Hydration & Diet


When our bodies are recovering from injury or surgery  we need good nutrition and adequate hydration. This ensures we have all of the nutrients available to heal as best as we can.

Rehabilitation experts are there to ensure optimal recovery and safe methods of aiding recovery. When one part of your body is recovering from injury or surgery, protocols can speed up this process.

Ready to fast track your recovery?

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